How to Install the HOGSCAN application on an iPhone or iPad
How to Install HOGSCAN App on Android Phone
How do I get a user ID and password so I can log in to the HOGSCAN website?
You must be a current member of the West Bend WI Chapter to log in to the website. Current members will receive a welcome email with a link to a page where you will set your own username and password for the website. The email may go to your junk email folder, so if you haven't received it, be sure and look for it there. If you cannot find the email or if it's been deleted, please contact either the Assistant Director or the webmaster and ask that the email be re-sent. If you have any issues while setting up your HOGSCAN account, please contact the webmaster for additional help.
How do I change my password?
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
If my membership expires, can I still log in to the West Bend WI Chapter website?
No. If either your National HOG or West Bend WI Chapter membership has expired, you will not be able to log in to the West Bend WI Chapter HOGSCAN website. You must keep both memberships current in order to access the Members Only areas of the West Bend WI Chapter website.
Please note that you must maintain your national HOG membership in order to be a member of the West Bend WI Chapter. As stated on page 4 of the HOG Chapter Handbook, "An expired National membership automatically terminates local chapter membership and any associated memberships." If you believe that your national and chapter memberships are current but you are unable to log in, please contact your local chapter secretary to help resolve the issue.
What is the HOGSCAN smartphone application?
It is an application that was created as a way for Officers or Road Captains to quickly and easily check members in to events. Its main purpose is twofold; less paperwork and easy verification of current membership status.
Can anyone use the HOGSCAN smartphone application?
Yes, but be aware that the smartphone app is not a scaled down version of the website and only shows our event calendar, and only the next three months of the event calendar. Members can use the app to RSVP to events rather than logging in to the website to RSVP.
To use the smartphone app, you must first activate your account on the website. To download and install the app to your smartphone, Android users go to the Play Store, iPhone users go to the App Store. In the Play or App Store, search for 'hogscan'. There is a one time fee of $0.99 to download the HOGSCAN app. Once installed, scroll down and select WEST BEND WI CHAPTER from the chapter list of chapters so that you'll be able to log in. Your login credentials are the same as those that you use on the website.
How do I RSVP to events and activities?
There are two easy ways for you to RSVP.
Through the HOGSCAN website
Through the smartphone application
What is RSVP and why do we have it?
RSVP (répondez s'il vous plaît) is a fancy French way of saying 'Please respond'. We use it on our calendar as a way for members to say they will be attending an event (meeting, ride or activity). When you RSVP to an event you help the coordinator(s) of that event with planning. For instance, how many RCs are needed so that there are plenty of Middle Sweeps for the safety of everyone? A destination restaurant may need an accurate headcount to be able to set up and accommodate the group. A catered party may need an accurate headcount to ensure there is enough food for the group. When you RSVP to events, it speeds up the check-in process.
What is Ladies of Harley?
Ladies of Harley (LoH) is a group of women within the West Bend WI Chapter who meet regularly and have events. You do not have to ride your own motorcycle to participate in LoH. Women who ride as a passenger are welcome at any LoH event. Additional information, including how to join LoH, can be found on the Ladies of Harley page.
What happens at the Monthly Chapter Meeting?
At each meeting, the Primary Officers, the Activities Director, and the Safety Officer give monthly updates. The dealership provides updates on their planned activities and there may be a guest speaker. The meeting normally lasts for one hour.
During the months of April through September, the meeting is held on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00am at West Bend Harley-Davidson in the park behind the building. A ride is scheduled after the meeting, weather permitting. You must RSVP to both the meeting event AND the ride as they are separate events.
During the months of October through March, the meeting is held on the second Friday of each month at the lower level of the West Bend Moose Lodge located at 1721 Chestnut Street, West Bend, WI 53095. Social hour is from 5:30 to 6:30pm with the meeting beginning at 6:30pm.
What happens at the Planning Meeting?
The planning meeting is used to identify activities (including group rides) with the resulting events added to the Event Calendar. The location and time varies, so check the calendar. All members are welcome at the planning meeting.
What is a breakfast / lunch ride?
The ride leader specifies whether a ride is for breakfast or lunch and the departure time. Lunch rides generally leave at 9:00am or later while breakfast rides generally leave before 8:30am. The distance for breakfast and lunch rides range from a few miles to as much as 100 miles. The official ride ends at the destination.
What is a dinner ride?
Dinner rides may be scheduled from March through October. The ride will leave from the dealership. Details of the ride, including departure time, will be on the chapter Event Calendar. These rides are typically short in duration – usually less than an hour. The official ride ends at the destination.
What does T&T full mean?
Some rides on the calendar will include “T&T full.” It stands for tanks and tummy's full, meaning you should have a full tank of gas and should have eaten when you arrive at the dealership for the ride.
Will we stop for gas?
You should arrive at the dealership with a full tank of gas. The ride leader will plan the ride with the assumption that you have a full tank when we leave the dealership. The ride leader will generally schedule a rest/fuel stop for rides of 100 miles or more.
Are there stops along the way on these rides?
Stopping is at the discretion of the ride leader. You will find most ride leaders will stop hourly for a break at a gas station. However, that’s not a firm requirement.
Can I bring a friend on a breakfast, lunch, or dinner or destination ride?
Sure, but due to HOG (Harley Owners Group) guidelines, your friend will need to sign a waiver before the ride leaves the dealership.
Can I bring my kids on a breakfast, lunch, or dinner ride?
Yes, but again, non-members must sign a waiver. If the child is under 18, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver for the child. In addition, children 12-17 will be required to sign their own waiver.
What’s with all this legal stuff?
West Bend WI Chapter is bound to follow national HOG guidelines. The waivers we sign are mandated by National HOG for the protection of the West Bend WI Chapter and the officers. The waivers only apply to persons who are West Bend WI Chapter members. Non-members will need to sign a separate waiver.
What is the West Bend WI Chapter alcohol policy?
It’s just a policy that makes sense. There is to be no alcohol prior to, or en route to, our destination. Once the ride is declared officially over, you may drink if you wish. Of course, you should always drink responsibly, and remember you are not in a car. Motorcycles and alcohol are a very dangerous mix.
Can I lead a ride?
Absolutely! All you have to do is pick your favorite destination or restaurant and schedule the ride at the planning meeting. You should plan to pre-ride your route several days prior to the ride and make a reservation at the destination restaurant. You will learn a lot just by observing other ride leaders.
How do I get to know people?
Just pick an event and show up. A breakfast, lunch, or dinner ride is a great opportunity to meet people. Ensure the ride leader knows this is your first event. Any number of people can show up for a ride, generally 10-30 people. Usually, we sit together as one big group so there is ample opportunity to meet fellow members.
I haven’t ridden with a group before, so what should I do?
Don’t let your lack of group riding experience keep you at home. Pick a regularly scheduled event like a breakfast, lunch, or dinner ride and go. Let the ride leader know that this is your first event and that you're not sure what to do. The ride leaders and Road Captains are there to help. We recommend that new members ride near the front of the group. The pace is generally more even at the front of the group, and you are less likely to experience anxiety if the group becomes separated.
Well, I really haven’t ridden much at all, so can I still ride with the group?
If you are a beginner, we suggest you team up with one of our Road Captains or our Safety Officer to determine when and how to begin riding with the group. Our goal is to get you riding with the group as soon as you are safely and comfortably able to do so.
What is a poker run?
A poker run is a motorcycle ride usually for a charity or fund raiser. It can be run a number of different ways, but the basics are the same. There are five stops and at each stop you draw from a standard deck of cards. Best hand wins. The first and last stops are often at the same location, while the other three will make up an interesting route for a motorcycle ride.
What is a Rally?
A rally is a planned gathering of motorcyclists for a weekend or a week at some pre-determined location. There are HOG rallies, state rallies, national rallies, and regional dealership associations’ rallies. These rallies are designed to allow you to ride with a group of friends to an interesting destination where you will often find good roads, good food, interesting things to buy and other motorcyclists who share your interest.
How far in advance do I have to plan if I want to attend a rally?
You should get hotel reservations ~6 months in advance of most rallies. Very big rallies, like Daytona, Sturgis, or Harley’s anniversary, may require planning in advance of one year.
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